Voice Query Language

Try it.. just click here and start talking in VoQL

What is VoQL?

VoQL (or Voice Query Language) is a standard grammar that people can use to talk to computers and analyse their data. One day in the future we will be able to say whatever we want but VoQL is designed to follow a natural speaking pattern and be easy to use. Once people have been using VoQL for more than a few days they forget they are using it. The VoQL standard is free to use, and we provide reference libaries for developers who want to add VoQL to their applications easily.

How do I use VoQL?

Just talk! A typical VoQL sentence is 'Show me all the sales for the last 3 months'. Prompts are provided whilst users are learning the system.

Google Web Fonts and
Font Awesome Icons

This template features the 'Lato' font, part of the Google Web Font library, as well as icons from Font Awesome.